AWS CodeDeploy vs AWS CodePipeline

May 20, 2022

AWS CodeDeploy vs AWS CodePipeline: Which one is the better CI/CD tool?

AWS provides various services for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CodePipeline are two popular CI/CD tools used by many developers in the industry. Both these tools are used to automate the application deployment process and provide fast feedback on changes made to the codebase while ensuring quality and security.

But which one is better? Let's dive into a comparison between AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CodePipeline and see what each tool has to offer.

AWS CodeDeploy

AWS CodeDeploy is an application deployment service that automates software deployments to a variety of compute services such as Amazon EC2 instances, Lambda functions, and on-premises instances. It enables you to deploy your applications in a consistent manner, with minimum downtime, and it ensures that the latest version of your application is always available.

AWS CodeDeploy provides several benefits such as:

  • Fast deployments: can deploy to thousands of instances simultaneously
  • Smart deployments: automatically rolls back changes if errors occur
  • Flexible deployments: supports a wide range of compute services

AWS CodePipeline

AWS CodePipeline is a continuous delivery service that automates the software release process. It integrates with other AWS services such as AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS CodeCommit, to create an end-to-end pipeline that tracks the changes made to the codebase and triggers automatic builds, tests, and deployments.

AWS CodePipeline provides several benefits such as:

  • End-to-end pipeline automation: can track changes from source control to production
  • Visual feedback: provides a visual representation of the pipeline and the status of each stage
  • Integrations with other AWS services: can integrate with AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS CodeCommit

Comparison between AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CodePipeline


AWS CodePipeline has a comparatively complex pricing structure, with different pricing plans for pipeline executions, number of active pipelines, and more. On the other hand, AWS CodeDeploy has a relatively simple pricing structure and is charged based on the number of nodes that are deployed.

Deployment Speed

AWS CodeDeploy enables you to deploy code to a large number of instances simultaneously, which makes it an excellent choice for large-scale deployments. In contrast, AWS CodePipeline provides a more detailed pipeline for tracking changes and is better suited for smaller scale deployment.

User Interface

AWS CodePipeline provides a more user-friendly interface with a visual representation of the pipeline status, displaying the current stage and the number of completed execution. AWS CodeDeploy provides a simple interface with fewer options.


AWS CodeDeploy supports a wide range of compute services, making it more flexible than AWS CodePipeline. AWS CodePipeline is more focused on the end-to-end automation of the software releasing process.


Both AWS CodeDeploy and AWS CodePipeline are excellent choices for automating deployments in a continuous integration and continuous delivery environment. The choice between the two tools depends on your specific use case.

If you need a more simplified tool to quickly deploy code to a large number of instances, AWS CodeDeploy might be the right choice for you. If you want a more detailed pipeline for tracking changes in the codebase or a visual representation of the pipeline status, AWS CodePipeline might be better suited.

In summary, both tools have their strengths, and the choice between the two depends on your specific needs.


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